Thursday, April 18, 2013

Bake Failure! Baking from the scratch!

Gnahhh you won't believe how mad i got,
I had the last few weeks a lot of cupcake failures...
that's why I tried a lot of different recipes, that's why i couldn't post..
i thought they won't be right.. but never mind.
And then finally I started thinking about,
  •  is the temperature to high? 
  • Aren't my ingredients room temperated?
  • not enough flour?
what is it???

I found an good article which brings me now to point of even.
Start from the scratch! I never had problems with my cupcake baker.
But i want perfection! I don't want that wholes in my cupcakes..

So here's my challenge!
I'll bake once a week a cupcake... we'll see how many we'll get until perfection ;)
Different recipes and different style etc...

But those are the things which i need to follow!
  • learn to see problems coming and adjust in advance.
  • learn how to turn apparent failures into awesome treats.
  • learn what ingredient can and can't swapped. 
  • learn to take time to practice! 

Step 1

I need to take more time like allow crucial items like butter and eggs need fully come to room temperature.

Step 2

You should really think about what you swap
It's kinda helpful to know and understand the flexibility of your ingredients.

Step 3

enough is enough
Ok all ingredients are measured... recipe is double checked. Let's get ready to bake.
While recipes attempt to describe the steps in as much required detail as possible, successful mixing.
Knowing just how much mixing is enough is the key! Likewise over beating the flour can built up glutens. Under beating like butter and eggs can result in separation of ingredients and possible sinking. So what to do???
  • scrape down your ingredients in your bowl, to ensure that all ingredients are combined!
  • beat well before adding the flour
  • Mix only enough to combine ingredients once the flour has been added.
So finally those are the steps I need to follow. Thank you cheryl!
Until next time! How to bake in a right way:)

Cheers Chris

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